旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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bsp;that it can be very costly for 1 month travelling in the UK. Estimatedly, it costs about GBP 100/day/person for a reasonable standard trip
not good and not worthwhilea 10kg bag oriental rice in supermarket cost as cheap as no more than GBP 15
No, you cannot. You can buy a coach card for GBP 10
lled from Zone 4 to Zone 1 by train, it cost me over GBP4.00, but for the same journey same time, if I travel by tube or DLR, it would cost me less than 
ans 'the minimum price you paid should be GBP 12'. That means, if your price (after discount) is lower than GBP 12, you need to pay at least GBP 
旅游折扣 拼车捡人