
长老们:在网上预定了2张7月29日下午的天鹅堡门票,答复如下:“Your message has been sent. You will receive an answer as soon as possible.”请问多久能收到回复?要用预定的信用卡取票吗?钱什么时候被扣除?谢谢了。

我的也是提示:“Thank you for your message!Your message has been sent.You will receive an answer as soon as possible.Click here to reach the Start page of the portal...”希望明天能收到回复,开始第一次操作错误网页

student agency 订票问题。。。。。。。。。

通过手机订票,收到以下邮件。是订票成功的意思吗。我还没付款,有点搞不懂Credit Ticket registrationDear customer,your registration has been completed successfully.Thanks to the registration you can now book seats on coaches without having to collect your Credit Ticket. If you prefer to carry your Credit Ticket with you in the form of a plastic card, you can come to one of our points of sale (http://jizdenky.studentagency.cz/Contacts?country=CZ&groupCapability=CUSTOMER_CARD_SALE), where you will be issued your Credit Ticket after presenting your ID.You can top up your credit at our points of sale (minimum deposit being 300 CZK) as well as on the Internet by a credit card and via PaySec, SuperCash or a bank payment.With your topped-up Credit Ticket you can book tickets for all national and international coach and train services offered in the sales system, on the Internet or by a text message.Enabled booking service via SMS, you can book your ticket in the following form:SMS XXXXXXXXX DDMM HHMM AA BB S sending to the number + 420 736 333 999.-----Credit Ticket Holder´s data: *********Credit Ticket Number: *************-----To log in to your Credit Ticket, you need to know your number and password.You need to know your Credit Ticket number for the check-in before you board the bus/train.Thank you and we wish you a pleasant journey.Yours STUDENT AGENCY and REGIOJET reservation system