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网上预定新天鹅堡门票之后多久收到回复长老们:在网上预定了2张7月29日下午的天鹅堡门票,答复如下:“Your message has been sent. You will receive an answer as soon as possible.”请问多久能收到回复?要用预定的信用卡取票吗?钱什么时候被扣除?谢谢了。
我的也是提示:“Thank you for your message!Your message has been sent.You will receive an answer as soon as possible.Click here to reach the Start page of the portal...”希望明天能收到回复,开始第一次操作错误网页
student agency 订票问题。。。。。。。。。通过手机订票,收到以下邮件。是订票成功的意思吗。我还没付款,有点搞不懂Credit Ticket registrationDear customer,your registration has been completed successfully.Thanks to the registration you can now book seats on coaches without having to collect your Credit Ticket. If you prefer to carry your Credit Ticket with you in the form of a plastic card, you can come to one of our points of sale (http://jizdenky.studentagency.cz/Contacts?country=CZ&groupCapability=CUSTOMER_CARD_SALE), where you will be issued your Credit Ticket after presenting your ID.You can top up your credit at our points of sale (minimum deposit being 300 CZK) as well as on the Internet by a credit card and via PaySec, SuperCash or a bank payment.With your topped-up Credit Ticket you can book tickets for all national and international coach and train services offered in the sales system, on the Internet or by a text message.Enabled booking service via SMS, you can book your ticket in the following form:SMS XXXXXXXXX DDMM HHMM AA BB S sending to the number + 420 736 333 999.-----Credit Ticket Holder´s data: *********Credit Ticket Number: *************-----To log in to your Credit Ticket, you need to know your number and password.You need to know your Credit Ticket number for the check-in before you board the bus/train.Thank you and we wish you a pleasant journey.Yours STUDENT AGENCY and REGIOJET reservation system
student agency 订票问题。。。。。。。。。
关于英国3电信的PAY AS YOU GO卡到达希思罗机场的时候看到只有一个自动售卡的机器出售各种电话卡,看看都差不多就20胖子买了3电信的一个月无限量上网,其他打电话发消息我基本不用,是8月8号买的,然后今天突然收到通知说15号凌晨就要作废,非常疑惑,于是上他们家官网研究,发现除了一个冲值电话以外,很难联系到他们,另外更令人气愤的是原来机场的价格...
关于英国3电信的PAY AS YOU GO卡
我帮国内的父母网上申请加拿大旅游签证,是否需要as a representative?因为我本人在加拿大,IP地址都是加拿大地址,怕加拿大移民局查网络地址有问题,所以网申的时候是不是需要如实写上我爸是授权我帮他申请的?这样的话不需要提交submission letter吧?
我帮国内的父母网上申请加拿大旅游签证,是否需要as a representative?
英国签证被拒,违反了移民条例V 4.2,想再签一次,但是不知道该如何办?麻烦大家帮帮我(2)这里是我的拒签信,我刚打出来的,希望大家帮忙看看,帮帮我,谢谢!as evidence of your funds you have submitted your two bank statements. Your bank statement account shows a closing balance of 30787 RMB (3078) on 08/07/2015. I note that you deposited a total of 26868RMB from 01/07/2015 to 08/07/2015.Yo...
英国签证被拒,违反了移民条例V 4.2,想再签一次,但是不知道该如何办?麻烦大家帮帮我(2)
London Pass含交通卡的问题请问现在的London Pass含交通卡的是如何的呢?以前的6日Pass含交通卡的貌似是7天内随意用的,现在的是里面有40磅,那这40磅是怎么用呢?跟单买牡蛎卡选pay as you go有什么区别呢?如果单买牡蛎卡,直接在机场就可以用了,买了有牡蛎卡功能的Pass,还得去市区取,机场到市区的这程就用不了了。
London Pass含交通卡的问题
用起来好像没有区别,一样是用完了充值可以继续用,但是退卡好像不太一样,你可以在机场先买一张普通的牡蛎卡,等取到london pass后推掉就好了
报了自由行 签证,DS160表中这个问题 Are you traveling as part of a group or organization?yES?OR NO?
在ÖBB上定了萨尔兹堡到维也纳的票,已网上付款,为什么一直显示 not valid?是 SparSchiene 的票。已经 网上支付,并 Collect Ticket 了,不知为什么还是显示:Your ticket is not yet valid。收到的 Booking confirmation 里也写了“Booking confirmation - Not valid as a ticket”。请问如何让它变成Valid?或是要提前去车站换票吗?谢谢!
在ÖBB上定了萨尔兹堡到维也纳的票,已网上付款,为什么一直显示 not valid?
德国国会大厦的第三封邮件Dear Sir or Madam,Please find attached the documents for your visit to the German Bundestag. PLEASE NOTE: This email has been automatically generated. Do not reply to this email, as your message will not be received by the Visitors' Service. If you have...
澳大利亚600拒签再签You stated in your application that you intend to go to Australia for tourist purpose. You have not demonstrated sufficiently strong enough financial, family, employment or other commitments outside of Australia as an incentive for your return. More specifically, I note that you claim to be employed...
旅游折扣 拼车捡人