Have you been to France recently ? (French newspaper)

Hello !I'm sorry I have to write in English as I'm not very good in Chinese.I'm a French journalist working for a news website called L'Obs. I'm interested in the way Chinese tourists see France during their trip. French people sometimes don't realise that somes places might be of special interest for Chinese. I'm thinking about lavender fields in Provence or Montargis and its special bond to Chinese's history (through Deng Xiaoping). I'd love to find four or five different Chinese tourists, who have recently been to France, and who would agree to tell us about their trip.If you've been to France and you're interested, you can send me an email at redaction.oblique@gmail.com . If you want me to give more details about this article, do not hesitate.We usually send those questions to begin with :Could you tell us a bit more about yourself ? What's your name, where do you live, what do you do for a living, how old are you ?When did you come to France for the first time ? How many times did you go there ? For how long ?What were your thoughts on France before visiting the country ? Why did you chose to go to France ? What were you expecting ? Which itineraries have you followed ? How did you chose the places you visited ? What are the places you remember the most ? Why ? Most important question for us : Could you pick up five places you visited and tell us more about it ? Why was it important to go there ? What is like you thought it would be and why ? Had you already a link to those places (like a book, a movie, a friend, etc). For exemple, I hear that the sitcom Dreams-link spurred a lot of people to visit Lavender fields in Provence. In your opinion, are there some aspects of French culture or history that are particularly important to Chinese when they come to France ? Best regards !

英国gatwick机场到伦敦市区china town只能坐地铁吗 据说有大巴

英国gatwick机场到伦敦市区china town只能坐地铁吗 据说有大巴 ,求高人指点

There is not tube between Gatwick and ChinaTown. In fact, no tube service for Gatwick airport at all.Usualsp;Victoria or London Bridge, and change for tube to China ,gatwick应该是没有地铁的。 只能坐大巴到victoria 或者坐火车到victoria 然后再转地铁去china Town

悉尼IHG哪家位置好房间好呢?OLD Sydney、Darling、Double Bay、Sydney

去年IHG住二送一,整了四晚免房,准备在悉尼用上,也就是不考虑价格的前提下,请问一下我带个孩子,不会开车,住哪家呢?准备连住三晚,第一次去悉尼,所以,各位,帮帮忙,谢谢。1、Hoilday Inn:达Darling harbour达令港 202澳币(68 Harbour St ,Sydney)2、Hoilday Inn:Old Sydney 老城区 322澳币 (55 George Street,Sydney)3、InterContinental:Sydney Double Bay德宝湾 450澳币( 33 Cross Street,Double Bay)4、InterContinental:Sydney 383澳币 ( 117Macquarie street )因为价格是次要的,但是,也关系到酒店的档次。3号德宝湾450澳币确实很另人心动,但是不知道交通是否方便, 是坐船出入,还是坐车,费用大概是多少?

1、Hoilday Inn:达Darling harbour达令港 202澳币(68 Harbour St ,Sydney):这家最方便,从达令港乘轮渡可去环形码头,乘轻轨可去鱼市场、中央车站、唐人街,向东步行500米再往南可到QVB、市政厅、商业街,往北可到悉尼塔。2、Hoilday Inn:Old Sydney 老城区 322澳币 (55 George Street,Sydney):其次可以选这家,CBD中心,这条街很长,往北可到环形码头,往南可到中央车站。悉尼公交可选澳宝卡,卡免费,每天15澳元封顶,周日2.50澳元封顶,适用于悉尼火车、轻轨、巴士和轮渡。向司机买单程票会贵不少。有儿童卡


行程安排Travel arrangements 日期date城市city景点attractions住宿accommodationD18/1济南jinan——法国巴黎French Paris D28/2巴黎Paris1. 巴黎凯旋门 , Arc de Triomphe2. 香榭丽舍大街 , Avenue des Champs-Élysées3. 巴黎大皇宫 , Grand Palace4. 巴黎小皇宫 , Petit Palais5. 协和广场 , Place de la ConcordeL'Empire Paris(巴黎帝国酒店)48 Rue De L'arbre SecD38/3巴黎Paris卢浮宫 D48/4巴黎Paris1. 巴黎圣母院 , Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris2. 莎士比亚书店 , Shakespeare and Company Bookstore3. 蓬皮杜中心 , Le centre Georges Pom D58/5巴黎Paris1. 奥赛博物馆 , Musée d'Orsay2. 罗丹博物馆 , Musée Rodin3. 橘园美术馆 , Musée de l'Orangerie D68/6巴黎Paris-里昂lyon里昂老城区lyonCour des Loges(庭院酒店)6, rue du Boeuf D78/7里昂lyon-阿讷西 Annecy Campanile Annecy Centre - Gare钟楼阿纳西中心酒店 rue VaugelasAnnecy, 74000, D88/8阿讷西Annecy安纳西湖Lake Annecy岛屿宫Old Prison安纳西城堡博物馆Musee Chateau爱情桥Pont d'amour安纳西圣母院Annecy Dame D98/9阿讷西Annecy-日内瓦Geneve大喷泉Jet d'Eau花钟(L'horloge fleurie)圣皮埃尔大教堂(Cathédrale St-Pierre)Kipling Manotel(吉卜林玛诺特酒店)D108/10蒙特勒montreux西庸城堡West agent castle辉煌酒店 Hotel Splendid D118/11采尔马特zermatt马特宏峰The Matterhorn利菲尔湖RiffelseeSchlosshotel(城堡酒店)D128/12采尔马特zermatt-格林德瓦德Grindelwald少女峰Jungfraujoch米伦小镇Muerren布里恩茨湖Lake BrienzHotel Bellary(贝拉里酒店)D138/13格林德瓦德Grindelwald D148/14卢塞恩Lucerne卢塞恩湖Lake Lucerne卡佩尔廊桥Chapel BridgeHotel Schlüssel (施鲁塞尔酒店)D158/15苏黎世zurich Alexander (亚历山大酒店)D168/16苏黎世zurich-济南jinan D178/17Jinan