旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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OK RENT a car我自己用过了,不过只是马略卡岛上那一家,很棒,车新里程少,而且我的两台车都免费升级了,有些擦挂痕迹租用车难免,取车记得勾画好,一点事都没有,非常棒的体验。免费接送车有点难找,在机场二楼最右边外道上停着他们家的接送车,黑色的奔驰商务车,有他们家的logo
There is nothing you can do about those taxes and surcharges. Most of them are charged by federal, state and local government. And all RENTal companies will put them on top your RENTal charges.Some can be avoided if you go to local offices instead of airport locations
旅游折扣 拼车捡人