go hotle酒店扣费成功但是没有发邮件过来?

go hotle酒店扣费成功但是没有发邮件过来,时间很赶都不知道怎么办,一直都没有收到邮件,如果联系酒店那边呢?我预定是菲律宾马尼拉的

成功的預訂會收到確認信的,見How do I check if I have successfully made a booking?http://www.GOhotels.ph/faqs/;建議過官網聯絡客服:http://www.GOhotels.ph/contact-us,GO hotle?假冒网站吧?

宿务GO LITE之后还能管理订单补买行李票吗?

第一次订宿务的票,3人同行的,我们只需托运1个箱子就行了。可是宿务的票要么3人都托运,3人都不托运,没有地方单独选择。我只好3人都go lite了。请问:现在再补买一张行李票怎么操作?据说网上买比现场买便宜,所以还是想自己改一下。请知道的长老教一下,谢谢。

8. 如果我在订购GO Lite机票后决定携带托运行李怎么办?旅客需付400比索的免费托运行李额的行李重办费。如果托运行李超重,则须支付相应的超重行李费。http://www.cebupacificair.com/web-cn/flights-and-fares/GO-lite.html,选了GOlite后不能再买行李了吧,我查了自己的票,也是没有行李选项的,就保险和捐款的,看来再买行李有点麻烦,引用  “原帖由 gzhelen 于 2010-6-28 20 发表 买的GOLITE, 试过输入订单号,但只看见买保险和捐款,没看见补买行李 ” https://book.cebupacificair.com/RetrieveBooking.aspx,引用  “原帖由 gzhelen 于 2010-6-13 13 发表 8. 如果我在订购GO Lite机票后决定携带托运行李怎么办?旅客需付400比索的免费托运行李额的行李重办费。如果托运行李超重,则须支付相应的超重行李费。http://www.cebupacificair.com/web-cn/flights-and-fa ... ” 谢谢这位长老请问这个手续可以网上自己办理吗?是否一定要打电话或到现场办理?亚航网上购买和现场购买的价格差距很大,宿务的情况如何?,GO lite可以托运多少公斤??

Have you been to France recently ? (French newspaper)

Hello !I'm sorry I have to write in English as I'm not very good in Chinese.I'm a French journalist working for a news website called L'Obs. I'm interested in the way Chinese tourists see France during their trip. French people sometimes don't realise that somes places might be of special interest for Chinese. I'm thinking about lavender fields in Provence or Montargis and its special bond to Chinese's history (through Deng Xiaoping). I'd love to find four or five different Chinese tourists, who have recently been to France, and who would agree to tell us about their trip.If you've been to France and you're interested, you can send me an email at redaction.oblique@gmail.com . If you want me to give more details about this article, do not hesitate.We usually send those questions to begin with :Could you tell us a bit more about yourself ? What's your name, where do you live, what do you do for a living, how old are you ?When did you come to France for the first time ? How many times did you go there ? For how long ?What were your thoughts on France before visiting the country ? Why did you chose to go to France ? What were you expecting ? Which itineraries have you followed ? How did you chose the places you visited ? What are the places you remember the most ? Why ? Most important question for us : Could you pick up five places you visited and tell us more about it ? Why was it important to go there ? What is like you thought it would be and why ? Had you already a link to those places (like a book, a movie, a friend, etc). For exemple, I hear that the sitcom Dreams-link spurred a lot of people to visit Lavender fields in Provence. In your opinion, are there some aspects of French culture or history that are particularly important to Chinese when they come to France ? Best regards !

关于比利时火车票go pass 1的购买

请问各位大神,比利时火车票 go pass 1 可以在火车站购买吗?还是必须在网上提前买好呢

都可以。Available online, at ticket offices and from ticket machines:http://www.belgianrail.be/en/travel-tickets/abroad/aachen/GOpass1-to-aachen.aspx

那个turn go 卡有必要买吗

人工柜台基本没有了,没有touch n GO 上不了高速