半年前 来自穷游


半年前 来自穷游

贴一个 我自己 搜索到的答案吧:
There are many articles on line about kids car booster seats in Italy, but I have never seen any of the local families using them and in 7 years never heard of an Italian kids car booster seat law being enforced, that is, if there is a law. We never used child car booster seats for our children, who were 7 & 9 when we first arrived, and we have friends with 5 kids who are stopped quite regularly, they have no booster seats and have never been fined. So if you are concerned with the law on childrens booster seats in Italy, we would say that its unlikely to be an issue, if you wish to do it for safety reasons that is another matter. Here is the AAs advice about driving in Italy , and an article from expats in Italy on the subject of childs car booster seats in Italy which seems to indicate that it may be a common EU law but one that is never enforced in Italy.

半年前 来自穷游


