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A Can I stay in the United States if my student visa has expired?Yes, as long as you are maintaining your status, you may legally remain in the United States with an expired F-1 or M-1 visa.
B Can I renew my visa while outside the United States in a country other than my home country?Yes, but the Department of State recommends that you apply for a visa in your home country. For more information about visa applications, visit the DoS website.Before you travel to a country other than yours to renew your visa, contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in that country.If you exit the United States and apply for a visa, you cannot return to the United States until DoS issues you a new visa. This could require a lengthy stay. If DoS denies your visa application, you will not be able to return to the United States as a student.
C Can I go to Canada or Mexico and apply for a new visa?In some cases, you can. However, you cannot return to the United States until DoS issues you a new visa. If DoS denies your visa application, you will not be able to return to the United States as a student.
D What is automatic visa revalidation?Automatic visa revalidation allows most F-1 students to take a trip of less than 30 days to Canada and Mexicoprovided you have proper documentation and have not applied for a new visa during the visit. This process revalidates your visa (making it eligible for the single trip), but does not renew it.
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