半年前 来自穷游

免签转机的问题计划从泰国甲米乘亚航至吉隆坡,在吉隆坡呆3-4天然后亚航回国。看了很多关于TRANSIT PASS的信息,都没有确切的信息,有说120小时的,有说72小时的。。。。。上IATA查询,查询结果的原文是:Passengers transiting only are exempt from holding a visa when:Nationals of China (People's Rep.) holding onward tickets f...

半年前 来自穷游

1.Transit Without Visa (TWOV) facility is not offered other than to Indian Sub  Continental Countries citizens. 
2.TWOV cannot be given to visitors who do not possess visa from 3rd country of destination as follows:
 New Zealand
 United States of America
South Korea 
3. TWOV facility cannot exceed more than 120 hours (5 days). 
4. TWOV facility is not available at entry point other than Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT). 
5. TWOV cannot be offered to passenger sponsored by airlines other than Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia. At present only MAS and Air Asia have agreed and accepted all terms and conditions imposed by the Malaysian Government.
6. TWOV cannot be given to visitors who do not fulfil the following: ·       
Valid national passport or internationally recognized travel document;·Travel documents valid for more than six (6) months from the date of entry;· A return ticket to country of origin;· Not listed in the Immigration Department’s suspected list. 
7. There will be no extension of TWOV facility. 
8. Permanent resident and long term pass holder are not bound to any of the TWOV regulations and condition stipulated above.

半年前 来自穷游


