半年前 来自穷游

求助啊。。。LA 地区。租房/租车和ITIN公司在LA地区设立分公司。1 请问我想在ONTARIO附近租个CONDO。问题是 1 我没SSN 2 我没信用。所以怎么才能租到房子? 需要地点安全。环境好点。2 另外我同学和我说我这样的情况不需要买车,可以找DEALER RELEASE 但需要3年。请问有人清楚些吗??谢谢。3 我需要申请ITIN 填写W-7。但我现在又不报税。 目的是申请...

半年前 来自穷游

You probably will have a hard time getting an apartment without SSN.
But you can try and get co-applicant such as a colleague or your company.

And you cannot get a car lease without good credit history. They won't even talk to you if you cannot show your SSN. But again, your company can cosign for the lease, if it has established business and good credit.

ITIN is for visitors who cannot legally work in US but has income from other sources and your case looks like you need a work visa (H1B or L1).

