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Day 9:沿1号公路开往洛杉矶...8小时会不会不够啊
There is no way you can cover all those in one day. Two days, maybe. And Hearst Castle closed pretty early. So basically your Day 10 will be on the road as well. Santa Barbara is not really up to the par. Nothing special at about city. Try Malibu.
Day 13:大峡谷
If you plan to visit the South Rim, then it will be a long day. We did it once and won't recommend it. The 5-hour driving back can be the killer. You should definitely consider staying at the Canyon for the night or join a tour.
Day 14:拉斯维加斯
You should consider leaving Vegas for Los Angeles. Otherwise how do you plan on going to Los Angeles and visit Universla Studio in one day?
Day 18:洛杉矶
Sunset Blvd and Beverly Hills may not need an entire day to cover, unless you are a big fan and want to check out where the celebrities live. But you do not get to see the mansions anyway. If you only want to take a few pictures, then you need four hours, tops.
#‘异地还车’只是略略贵些, 具体如何由各个租车公司的价格及你的荷包决定。是否租到底还是分段租车也得看哪种组合上算。 各公司不同。上网查, 有很多折扣项目。
# 很多葡萄园是公开参观的, 著名的是NAPA, 好像价格是$20, 非常漂亮, 可以尽量品尝。(看过《鹰冠庄园》吗? 据说就是了)
# 吃不消的话, 车就还掉了。 参加洛杉矶的‘赌城巴士’来回, 免费还有现金,赌资泥码, 午餐赠送), 到了赌城再参加赌城出发的‘大峡谷’旅行团。
第一次来美国, 也是全家出动, 拖儿带女地, 建议多多利用美国的旅游社, 尤其是华人旅游社, 价格很便宜·, 路线很成熟, 就是团友有时候并不合心意。归程有‘小费’的算计:每人每天得导游$3+司机$3。
引用 “原帖由 jiangmonica 于 2008-7-13 07 发表
异地还车的问题我还是没太明白, ... ”
你可以在SF或LA跟华人旅行团去LV和大峡谷, 途中会经过一个outlet让你去买东西的,不过时间不是很多。LV也有几个outlet, 你这么多天在LV蹲点,肯定够时间购物的。华人旅行团价钱比较实惠,而且不用你自己驾车和找路,挺方便的。你可以跟他们去,不跟他们回来。我当时就是去到LV后玩够了直接从LV飞去东岸的,其他团友跟团返回SF.