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New laws introduced on 1 October 2010
New laws came into effect on 1 October 2010 that introduced new rules for the restraint of children in vehicles.
The new laws will reduce the risk of injury caused by the use of unsuitable restraints for a child’s size by specifying the type of restraint to be used at different ages and where children must be seated in a vehicle.
The new laws require children from:
birth to under 6 months to be restrained in a rearward facing child restraint (e.g. infant capsule);
6 months to under 4 years to be restrained in either a rearward or forward facing child restraint with in-built harness; and
4 years to under 7 years to be restrained in either a forward facing child restraint or booster seat restrained by a correctly adjusted and fastened seat belt or child safety harness.
Also, children under 4 years are not allowed to sit in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows of seats, and those from 4 years to under 7 years are only allowed to sit in the front seats if all rear seats are occupied by children less than 7 years of age.
Children 7 years and over can be restrained in an adult seat belt or booster seat.
这个是西澳的要求,每个州可能要求不一样。在西澳,7岁后可以坐前排也不用强制要booster seat
旅游折扣 拼车捡人