英国火车票求助我在网上预定了从INVERNESS到爱丁堡的车票,是ANYTIME SINGLE DAY预定确认的邮件里有车次时间和座位号但既然是ANYTIME,我能不能不坐这个车而坐当天其他时间的车呢?那位置怎么办,可以随便坐么?另外我能不能在这条线路上的某个站下车,逛2个小时,再上下一班车继续到达爱丁堡呢?谢谢先了
1) You can take any available train on the day you chose. There will be no seat reserved for you. 2) You can't get off at any point during your route and continue your journey later. You may at a risk of facing a penalty if you do so.