半年前 来自穷游

请问美国如何报警明年打算去美国听说美国治安恶劣应该有根据第一美国允许私人配枪第二美国是非法移民的天堂他们中铤而走险者较多我应该做好应急准备现有几个问题请教知情的网友1.拨打911不需投币吗不需拨区号等只拨911吗2.接通后应如何开口3.如何称呼男女警察4.我被抢劫英语如何说(i have been robbed)?5.被盗...

半年前 来自穷游

引用  “原帖由 www2008 于 2008-10-7 10 发表

Not really. If you know a little about American history and current affairs, you should know that people owning fire-arms are constitution rights. Arguably, more guns leads to more gus related incidents. But it not something you should worry about too much as a tourist. If you do worry , then it is probably not a good idea to visit such a country with so much violence. Another reason that US has hight crime rate is that a lot of the minor issues and misdemeanors that are not a big deal in other countries are punishable by prison terms in US. People can get arrested for speeding, mail fraud, under-age drinking/smoking or trespassing. But those arrests are rare in most other countries.
引用  “第二美国是非法移民的天堂他们中铤而走险者较多”
As a matter of fact, most illegal immigrants are law binding people. There is no reason for them to risk everything and getting arrested/detained/deported. Most of them keep very low profile.
引用  “
Always dial 911. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no need to put in a quarter if you use landline. Some landlines in hotels need an extra 9 or something at the beginning.
引用  “
They will ask you what your emmergency is. You are only supposed to call for emergencies. Do not call if you get lost. Tell the officer what your problem is and where you are with simple terms. They know your location if you call from landline. If you use a cellphone, then they only know a range.
引用  “3.如何称呼男女警察”
引用  “4.我被抢劫英语如何说(i have been robbed)?”
引用  “5.被盗了怎么说(i have been stolen)?”
My (stuff) has been stolen at (place).
But I do not think you should call 911 for this matter.
引用  “6.我被车撞了怎么说”
There has been an accident at (place). And they will ask if anyone has been injured so they can dispatch the ambulance.

It is also important to remember that for non-accident, non-life threatening matters, 311 is the right number. And they will send officers if they think it is an emergency.

半年前 来自穷游

thanks to upstair

半年前 来自穷游


