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准备冬天去佛罗里达,包括奥兰多,卖阿密,KEY WEST等,现在在计划行程,几个问题想请教,多谢
1.感恩节还是圣诞节? 从气候来说,当然是圣诞时候去更能体验阳光沙滩的美妙,但我担心那时沙滩上,迪斯尼乐园里会不会人满为患?还有,那时的酒店价格应该会上涨很多. 如果感恩节的时候去,天气会很热吗?我比较怕热的说
Check weather.com for average temperature. December will be the peak seaon for tourists.
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2.准备自己开车去, 奥兰多各大乐园是否有免费停车场? 这关系到订酒店的事,如果有免费停车场,住得远一些也无妨,否则就要住得近一些,可以乘酒店的免费巴士
Check the parks' websites. They should tell you explicitly whether there is parking fee.
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3.计划一共玩6天,其中奥兰多4天,卖阿密1天,KEY WEST及1号公路沿途2天,如此安排是否合理?
It depends on who you are and what you like. I have friends who visit Florida each year but have only been to the parks . And I also know people who have lived in Florida for years but never visited Orlando.
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4.有什么好的饭店,酒店? 听说卖阿密有很多好的古巴餐厅,不知古巴菜好不好吃?请各位推荐.
I personally think Cuban food is no good. Like most caribbean countries, its food is nothing but grilled or bbq'ed meat, beans and vegies. As for 酒店, I suppose you mean bars. There are a few interesting bars and clubs in southern Florida. The food and drinks can be very pricey there.
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5.在KEY WEST吃饭贵否? 如果贵,可能会考虑自己带些食物过去.
Again, it depends on your budget. Many people think a seafood lunch platter for $25 at a bar is quite reasonable. But just like almost anywhere else in the world, you can always find cheap fast food restaurants.
1 什么时候来人都不少,都要排很长的队。酒店也都是peak season了。
2 停车都是11刀一天 (如果你看到那个巨大的停车场,就不会问免费停车的问题了 ;)) 不过坐shuttle就要错过最后的firework和show,否则赶不上最后一班车。
3 个人认为us1安排两天orlando往返的话,比较紧。加上miami一共3天,两天都花路上了,而且us1只有一条lane,路况在那个时候都不好,如果有traffic的话,你有可能把时间全话在路上,其实如果你要去theme park的话,把key west分在下次,这次就去orlando附近的beach也不错啊,clear water,serasota的beach都很好。
4 看你的口味了
5 key west吃东西不算很贵了,一般一个人十几刀也可以,几刀的buffet也有,甚至还有个publix,所以带东西吃不用了。倒是theme park里吃饭蛮贵还要排队,可以考虑带点东西。
希望有帮助 :)