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Have you been to France recently ? (French newspaper)Hello !I'm sorry I have to write in English as I'm not very good in Chinese.I'm a French journalist working for a news website called L'Obs. I'm interested in the way Chinese tourists see France during their trip. French people sometimes don't realise that somes places might be of special interest for Chinese. I'm thinking about lavender fields in Provence or Montargis and its special bond to Chinese's history (through Deng Xiaoping). I'd love to find four or five different Chinese tourists, who have recently been to France, and who would agree to tell us about their trip.If you've been to France and you're interested, you can send me an email at redaction.oblique@gmail.com . If you want me to give more details about this article, do not hesitate.We usually send those questions to begin with :Could you tell us a bit more about yourself ? What's your name, where do you live, what do you do for a living, how old are you ?When did you come to France for the first time ? How many times did you go there ? For how long ?What were your thoughts on France before visiting the country ? Why did you chose to go to France ? What were you expecting ? Which itineraries have you followed ? How did you chose the places you visited ? What are the places you remember the most ? Why ? Most important question for us : Could you pick up five places you visited and tell us more about it ? Why was it important to go there ? What is like you thought it would be and why ? Had you already a link to those places (like a book, a movie, a friend, etc). For exemple, I hear that the sitcom Dreams-link spurred a lot of people to visit Lavender fields in Provence. In your opinion, are there some aspects of French culture or history that are particularly important to Chinese when they come to France ? Best regards !
Have you been to France recently ? (French newspaper)
英国签证提供文件的两个问题正在申请英国旅游签证,有两个英国签证提供支持文件的问题:1. 可以自己在文件上直接翻译吗?签证网上提供的Document checklist中有两句话:All document must be in English. translated documents must be certified.该如何理解?2.要求提供Evidence of family menbers remaining in your home counrty whilst you trav...
关于hostelworld的问题。6月3预订的酒店,扣了我的定金以后就没有了然后了,预订信息也没有。打电话给客服第一次打得通,说把付款信息的截图发去他们的客服邮箱,发送成功后就到现在都没有回应了,再联系邮箱都是说些translate in english。写成英文回复又让我用中文,!!!接下来怎么打客服的电话都没有人接,到现在都没有处理好这件事,这个网...
海牙公交天票HTM Dagkaart是怎么用法?在海牙公交官方网站上看到海牙公交天票的介绍(https://www.htm.nl/english/tickets-and-travel-products/),不太清楚的这种天票是24小时有效呢还是当天内有效?这种票是单独一个票卡呢还是要load在OV卡中的?有人用过吗?可以介绍一下吗?
海牙公交天票HTM Dagkaart是怎么用法?
求助!预定黄石内的住宿预定黄石内的住宿时,填写完个人信息总是不能提交,总显示only English characters & numbers can be entered on this web page
only English characters & numbers can be entered on this web page——只能在网页上输入英语字符和数字。你输入名字的话用护照上的拼音就行
美国签证 APPLY FOR VISA这个网站是新出的吗正在搞续签,之前还是电话预约那会儿。现在看流程冒出来一个有DASHBOARD的最上面是APPLY FOR VISA https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/?language=English&country=China 这个网站。。我完全没印象。。这个是13年3月之后出来的东西吗?
美国签证 APPLY FOR VISA这个网站是新出的吗
在线填表,在 tourist activities填入后,显示 Answer in English填入要去的地方后,没有超出字数,也没有用中文标点,反反复复几次都通不过,最终去掉所有标点还是不行,不知什么地方不符合要求。请指点。谢谢!
在线填表,在 tourist activities填入后,显示 Answer in English
美国签证状态今天上午在上海面签的,与VO的对话内容如下: VO:去美国旅游吗?(中文) 我:是的,去旅游 VO:之前去过别的国家吗? 我:泰国和中国香港 VO:Do you speak english? 我:YES, I DO(接下来就全是英文的交流了) VO:你是研究生在读呀! 我:是的 VO:你学的什么专业? 我:工程类(engineering) VO:你的160表格是自己填的...
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