旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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ngary),拉脱维亚(Latvia),立陶宛(Lithuania),波兰(Poland),斯洛伐克(Slovakia),斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia),捷克(Czech),马耳他(Malta)最早的申根国家有 挪威(Norway),意大利(Italy),法国(France),西班牙(Spain),瑞典(Sweden),德国(Germany),丹麦(Denmark),葡萄牙(Portugal),荷兰(Holland),芬兰(Finland),冰岛(Iceland),卢森堡(Luxemburg),奥地利(Austria),比利时(Belgium),希腊(Greece)如需机票,欢迎咨询!
门票等,食物,加一些额外的零用钱200-300sek, 得看你有没有浓厚的购物欲,自己estimate吧)除非你去郊外像kiruna/abisko的地方,荒山野岭,没地方换钱,就换多一点。因为如果sek 用不完,在换回英镑的话就很亏(那就建议你带回英国,在英国内换成英镑)景点最贵的就icehotel了,那里可以刷卡。所以基钱就保持英镑,要离开瑞典再换Denmark.或者你觉得为了省35sek,就英镑: swedish krona 和 danish krona 一起换吧
到哥本哈根的船票你可以试下这个网站,http://www.dfdsseaways.com/index.html,如果你打算就在哥本哈根待一个白天的话,他现在好像有个mini cruise的优惠,一个人往返才298/克朗。但是你得在Denmark的网站定,希望你好运
blic, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Hungary, as well as Denmark, Iceland and Norway): o - A “uniform visa” (Schengen visa), as mentioned in article 10 from the Convention for the a
arious railway companies and serves most countries in Eastern Europe as well as France.DB NachtZug (NZ) serves a great number of destinations within Germany as well as some in Denmark, Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland.EuroNight is a service run by our counterparts in Austria, Italy, Hungary an
你在google map上输入 Colbjørnsensgade 13, 1652, København, Denmark 就查到了,离哥本哈根中央火车站蛮近的
不知其他朋友有沒有遇到和我一樣的情況… 但個人覺得這些朋友的回答,就像汪洋中的一艘船,對身陷在海中的我來說,幫助非常之大。首先推薦tgzl→ 【15日穿行东欧7国】內容中有『波羅的海三小國』的扎記喔!! 再轉貼部份【北歐版】的回覆~完整的內容請奌→ 【原帖】tgzl提供Lithuania → Denmark交通工具的網址~游轮的信息~http://www.portofklaipeda.lt/en. ... ers/ferry_lines/437air baltic的机票~http://www.airbaltic.com/public/index.html非常實用的網頁,與你一同分享~
Tickets can be bought in connection with airfare booking starting at 249 SEK (approx. 27 EUR) or at the Copenhagen Tourist Information, Denmark and at any ticket counters operated by Skånetrafiken, starting at 199 SKK (approx. 20 EUR) children 6-16 are half price
Mail Costs: FREE. Registered: Yes. Online track & trace: No. Available for these countries: United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Luxembourg. 2. Expresse standard Costs
旅游折扣 拼车捡人