旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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For Chinese? Definitely can, as long as his/her Chinese passport is still valid,Has myanma stopped Chinese back to China via ruili
国籍Chinese 出生国家China申请地址写上海(在上海领区申请的话)
引用 “原帖由 wxyicc 于 2011-2-21 09 发表 请问中国公民办理新西兰签证所填的1027表格中有一项“Chinese Commercial Code”是要填什么?谢谢 ” 我当时有发电邮问上海新西兰领事馆的签证官,问题和回答如下:4. What is the Chinese commercial code(姓名的标准电码) This is the identity card number that all Chinese Nationals carry with them
旅游折扣 拼车捡人