请问大家 从Heathrow打的到国王十字附近 大概需要多少钱?
旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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Around GBP 100But tubes could be safer than a taxi
BEFORE you get on the train. You may need to pay for the price difference, and also 10 GBP as administrative charge
day 1 could be very tired as it is too intensivefor this two-day trip, perhaps 1 person for GBP 300? That should be enough
t your gender and age. If so, make law against thembut, depends on your budget. If you just want to stay there for a few days then should be enough. At least you need to prepare GBP 100 per day I think
it is reasonable- the oyster card itself costs a deposit of at least 3GBP (that will be refunded when you return the card to ticket office). So, you toped 10 GBP, at least 3GBP was a deposit, so you spent 6GBP that day. 6GBP is still within the limit
GBP 1000?That is so lavish. Check Hilton etc 
旅游折扣 拼车捡人