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Residents. Starting May 1st, 2010, all those foreign nationals, regardless of their nationality, visiting Mexico for tourist, business or transit matters won't need a Mexican
非常感谢各位热心的帮助,因公事最近一直没能上来:(签证的材料也没有准备齐全,纳税证明/工资证明在国内兜转了几圈,他们居然还去欧洲旅游了,可是就是没有回归主人怀抱(2个多月了),哭了欢迎各位来Mexico玩,1)温哥华的时间有点长,所有这些地方1天半就可以,建议抽2天去温哥华岛(维多利亚、BUTCHART GARDEN)。2)东边的安排坛主的建议很好。但 Algonquin很大,值得去,特别是8月份,建议在那里花2-3天,露营,或者其它;3)第三次入境可以还从多伦多入境,开车一路向东,经京士顿,千岛湖,到OTTAWA,再到MONTREAL, 再往东到QUEBEC,再回到MONTREAL, 回Mexicocity。那边基本算我半个老巢,有问题欢迎问
As of May 1, 2010 all foreigners holding a valid US visa will be eligible to enter to Mexico from any port of entry without a Mexican visa, regardless of their nationality. This will apply to tourists, businessmen, entrepreneurs and visitors on transit.--摘自墨西哥驻底特律领事馆网站
从迈阿密飞墨西哥城和Cancun都是130美刀,不知道直飞美国再转机是不是划算些PS- Alex: em...I guess LA, then Mexico city,AEROMexico每周二班东京直飞TIJUANA, 东京来回墨西哥城的航班含税不到1000美金. 不过你还得折腾上海到东京的航班
谢谢楼上的回复,哪位再帮我看看下面这个报价如何:there is a 5 nights on January 15 on Carnival Cruise line that goes to Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios-Jamaica Total Balcony cabin $ 1460.00Also there is a 7 nights that goes to Cozumel -Mexico, Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios Jamaica Total Balcony cabin $ 1768.00
些没有实践过很难给建议啊。这和坐船去加勒比海的一些国家不一样,说是要签证,你去辛苦办了,结果下船的时候根本就没人查。 ” That's right. And the cruise liners do not check whether you have visas for any of the Caribbean countries and even Mexico.There are simply NO immigration and/or Customs at the ports of call in those countries
旅游折扣 拼车捡人