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我是在ROUTES定的车 当时租租车系统和当地租车公司系统对接有问题 说是系统显示没购买车损和盗抢 必须要现场加买保险才能提车 你如果也是ROUTES最好再次确认
你可以上网下载网址http://www.myrapid.com.my/rail/ROUTES打开后点击下面的View/download print version of this map
s for foreign Tourists sight-seeing in the campus. The policies focuses on using the fixed round ROUTES provided by the electric cars with volunteers offering information.&nbs
也算方便别人吧,我把机场的Bus路线贴在这里。ROUTES from within Heathrow Airport Grounds: *51 (not part of freeflow zo to Staines, Windsor and Slough Part of the SlouthHeathrow 7 series ROUTES Staines Bus Station > Thorpe Road Roundabout > Pooley Green Glebr / Peascod Street > Windsor Part of the SlouthHeathrow 7 series
旅游折扣 拼车捡人