伦敦的牡蛎卡“PAY AS YOU GO”是什么意思?

伦敦的牡蛎卡“PAY AS YOU GO”是什么意思?它和普通的牡蛎卡有什么区别?谢谢!

普通的Oyster卡就是pay as you go,意思就是说,你坐一次(go)付一次的钱(pay),你如果没有满25岁的话可以办一张railcard,就是一般说的young person card(应该是涨价到27磅了,但是如果你需要坐火车的话这个卡帮你打一次火车票的折就能帮你把27磅省回来啦~),买火车票打6.5折,跟你的oyster绑定之后你的每次pay as u go也是有6.5折,同样乘坐BUS也是有折扣

Have you been to France recently ? (French newspaper)

Hello !I'm sorry I have to write in English as I'm not very good in Chinese.I'm a French journalist working for a news website called L'Obs. I'm interested in the way Chinese tourists see France during their trip. French people sometimes don't realise that somes places might be of special interest for Chinese. I'm thinking about lavender fields in Provence or Montargis and its special bond to Chinese's history (through Deng Xiaoping). I'd love to find four or five different Chinese tourists, who have recently been to France, and who would agree to tell us about their trip.If you've been to France and you're interested, you can send me an email at redaction.oblique@gmail.com . If you want me to give more details about this article, do not hesitate.We usually send those questions to begin with :Could you tell us a bit more about yourself ? What's your name, where do you live, what do you do for a living, how old are you ?When did you come to France for the first time ? How many times did you go there ? For how long ?What were your thoughts on France before visiting the country ? Why did you chose to go to France ? What were you expecting ? Which itineraries have you followed ? How did you chose the places you visited ? What are the places you remember the most ? Why ? Most important question for us : Could you pick up five places you visited and tell us more about it ? Why was it important to go there ? What is like you thought it would be and why ? Had you already a link to those places (like a book, a movie, a friend, etc). For exemple, I hear that the sitcom Dreams-link spurred a lot of people to visit Lavender fields in Provence. In your opinion, are there some aspects of French culture or history that are particularly important to Chinese when they come to France ? Best regards !

Bonjour,Je comprends vous besoin mais, personnellement, je ne pense pas que c'est une bonne idee de poser votres questions dans cette site. Malheureusement, je crois que vous avez besoin de faire quelques devoirs par vous-meme. Par exemple, ici, , vous pouvez trouver le classement des endroits franc,il y a trop ? comme une roman mon nom wws j'ai habite chengdu ,il y a plus 40 anson pass茅 vaganten en france deux fois ,j'aime bien le france parce les france tres gentilEtretat, j'bien le ca je praler un peu le france , l'anglais mal,You can ask a chinese friend to write in chinese