旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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http://maps.met.police.uk/http://www.cityofLondon.police.uk/citypolice,谁跟你乱说治安不好的!怒!天天走Gracechurch St.上班下班,非常好。圣诞的时候city of London没什么人就是。市区逛街的时候注意一点小偷,不要太晚独自到处乱转特别是钻小巷子就是了(这些都是基本常识啦),伦敦应该是世界上最安全的大都市之一了
7.5 shanghai-London7.6 stay in London, live in London7.7 stay in London,live in London7.8 London-Edinburgh,live in Edinburgh7.9 Isle of skye (跟团)7.10 Isle of skye (跟团)7.11 back to Edinburgh,ord, live in oxford7.18 oxford - London7.19London-windsor castle-London,7.16 Bath-The Cotswolds, live in Cotswolds7.17 The Cotswolds-oxford, live in oxford7.18 oxford - London从巴斯到Cotswolds的水上伯顿,交通如何安排?从Cotswolds-oxford - London增加个比斯特购物,是否来及在一天内回到伦敦?我计划在北Cotswolds的镇子住两天.如果来不及一天内回到伦敦,是否需在oxford 住一晚,再回伦敦?
这个要看博主的旅行范围,我在伦敦晚了5天,包括温莎也去了,所以买的是travel card+3-day London pass,London pass不包括London eye的门票。个人觉得offpeak这个要看你实际的情况了,我当时是直接买的普通的,我没买London pass, 因为很多景点都是免费的,因为travel card 限制offpeak的,时间紧,早上都是peak time 出去的,所以就只买了passport
t be relax.Day4-6 are okeyI suggest you could arrange some activity of day1-3 in the evening of day4-6.for example: London eye and some building just have a look, if so, you would have enough time to visit fternoon tea maybe.I recommend Tate, you should visit it if you have timeEnjoy your London vacation!!
旅游折扣 拼车捡人