
这周末跟团蜜月去英国,有一晚住在曼彻斯特,想去老特拉福德球场膜拜下,从小到现在的梦想,酒店地址在:Goadsby Road Off Swan Street Manchester M45AH United Kingdom,酒店是:HOLIDAY INN,求助各位大侠,我如何从酒店去老特拉福球场,不胜感激!!!!

ail you probably need to get to Euston and then get a train to Manchester Piccadilly from there.Once in Manchester you can get to Old Trafford by any of the following:1. On match days there is a train service from Manchester Piccadilly (code MAN on National Rail site) to Old Trafford (MUF).2. Alternatively you can get a Tram from