
想去Seattle转一趟,可是木有驾照~到附近的Olympic National Park和Mt Rainer National Park有没有公共交通的access? If not,有没有推荐的旅行社捏?哎,没驾照在米国就是个悲剧~

greyline,引用  “原帖由 elluna 于 2011-6-14 23 发表 想去Seattle转一趟,可是木有驾照~到附近的Olympic National Park和Mt Rainer National Park有没有公共交通的access? If not,有没有推荐的旅行社捏?哎,没驾照在米国就是个悲剧~ ” LZ打算啥时间去呢? 我8月上旬去这些地方自驾,正在捡人呢


考虑向老板申请工差后不回上海,等过外十一才回上海.老板同意的可能性极小,酝酿中.如果那样的话又可以是怎样的一条线路呢? 先谢谢大家了.

能免俗啊... ” Premium Outlets has three centers near LA and two near Seattle. Check the website for locations. will those places are pretty far from city center.I personally like Desert Hills and Seattle Premium Outlet.Prime Outlet also has one near LA and one near