Have you been to France recently ? (French newspaper)

Hello !I'm sorry I have to write in English as I'm not very good in Chinese.I'm a French journalist working for a news website called L'Obs. I'm interested in the way Chinese tourists see France during their trip. French people sometimes don't realise that somes places might be of special interest for Chinese. I'm thinking about lavender fields in Provence or Montargis and its special bond to Chinese's history (through Deng Xiaoping). I'd love to find four or five different Chinese tourists, who have recently been to France, and who would agree to tell us about their trip.If you've been to France and you're interested, you can send me an email at redaction.oblique@gmail.com . If you want me to give more details about this article, do not hesitate.We usually send those questions to begin with :Could you tell us a bit more about yourself ? What's your name, where do you live, what do you do for a living, how old are you ?When did you come to France for the first time ? How many times did you go there ? For how long ?What were your thoughts on France before visiting the country ? Why did you chose to go to France ? What were you expecting ? Which itineraries have you followed ? How did you chose the places you visited ? What are the places you remember the most ? Why ? Most important question for us : Could you pick up five places you visited and tell us more about it ? Why was it important to go there ? What is like you thought it would be and why ? Had you already a link to those places (like a book, a movie, a friend, etc). For exemple, I hear that the sitcom Dreams-link spurred a lot of people to visit Lavender fields in Provence. In your opinion, are there some aspects of French culture or history that are particularly important to Chinese when they come to France ? Best regards !

墨尔本附近的St Kilda beach 能停房车过夜或是附近有营地吗?

墨尔本附近的St Kilda beach 能停房车过夜或是附近有营地吗?我在google上没搜到附近有营地啊?

整条Beach都几乎看了,感觉是可以停在port melbourne附近,但是营地还真没看到,远一点的地方也许会有,像GeeLong或者Ballarat


请问各位,薄荷岛有个出海的行程是:早晨出发看海豚,Balicasa岛潜水,Virgen island,回到Alona Beach。有没有人在这行程中里加上oslob看鲸鲨的。就是看海豚,看鲸鲨,Balicasa岛潜水,Virgen island,回到Alona Beach。单独从薄荷岛去OSLOB看鲸鲨,来回路上时间那么多,一共也就看半小时,有点浪费时间。

去过薄荷,走的就是早晨出发看海豚,Balicasa岛潜水,Virgen island,回到Alona Beach这条线,就这条线是一早出去,然后下午四五点才回到阿隆那海滩,就这样Balicasa岛潜水,Virgen island呆的都觉得不是特别久,不够尽兴。没去看过鲸鲨,你如果包船,那所有的景点都可以按照你要求去,无非价格高低而已,但个人感觉在现有线路时间已经不是很富裕情况下还要开很久的船去看鲸鲨那只有压缩其他景点的时间,这样比较没有必要

纠结澳洲住hamilton岛还是airlie beach

考虑到往返船票比较贵,纠结住hamilton岛还是airlie beach,风景和游玩项目是哪个更好?或者有什么好办法,两个都可以玩?(如hamilton岛有day trip?价格多少?)非常感谢!

airlie Beach住宿便宜,没什么可玩儿的,只有一个泻湖。hamilton岛住宿贵,最便宜的公寓酒店,300多澳元/晚,岛上有一个野生动物世界,可以抱考拉,还有一个独树山观景台,饱览圣灵群岛的全景。其实这2个地方都不是游览之地,是渡假胜地,是大堡礁出海、白色天堂沙滩一日游出发地和水飞机、直升机观览心形礁的出发地。所以不必纠结这里有什么好景点儿。建议:住airlie Beach,参加:大堡礁出海、白色天堂沙滩一日游、水飞机或直升机的观览心形礁和hamilton岛一日游(175澳元/人)。去官网查吧,轮渡也是这家:http://www.cruisewhitsundays,Hamilton岛的Day trip比Airlie Beach要少得多,除非你找到合适的Day trip或者纯粹想在岛上度假,否则别住岛上。岛上住宿价格,两个人住三四百你当然感觉贵,但五六个人也是三四百,摊下来就不贵了。不住岛上,也可以航班进出时,留出半天时间岛上逛逛,我们当时是住在whitsunday的,然后再去游客中心定的一日游等等,一定要去white heaven Beach 哦!!!!!!