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1. day 1: London Tower-Westminster Abbey-Royal Mews-kensington Palace,最后景点就在肯辛顿公园里,出来可以连带海德公园一起转了,然后回酒店。day2:Windsor Castle-Eton Collage(if 有时间)-Thames River Cruiseday3:Hampton Court Palace-St&nbs
两个商店都有,但是款式没有外面专卖店多,而且我觉得Selfrides比Harrods的款式多点,我去Harrods走了一圈什么都买不到,如果不是特别需要集中一个商场买好几个牌子的东西集中退税,那还是直接去Regent Street那边的专柜找吧~~Harrods走到South kensington站坐地铁到Oxford Circus就到Regent Street和Oxford Street交汇的地方了
London Docklands 算是市中心吗?
我住在伦敦西1区south kensington,1卧1厅1卫1厨的公寓,暑假回国房子空着,可以短租,离south kensington station很近,1分钟就到,有兴趣可以加我QQ 362761747
天计划是Westminster Abbey - Churchill War Rooms - Queen's Gallery - Shakespeare's Globe Theatre - kensington Palace - Royal Albert Hall,总价82.95英镑,不过这个是按2012年票价,好像按现价是不到80英镑的
直接打电话咨询Tunisia Embassy , United Kingdom29 Princes GateSouth kensington London SW7 1QGUnited KingdomPhone:+44-20-7584-8117Fax:+44-20-7225-2884nGreat Britain Tunisian National Tourist Office77-A Wigmore StreetLondonW1H 9LJUnited KingdomPhone
最后问一下,到TLS是在EARL'S COURT转地铁到kensington Olympia那站是吗?如果车次少有其他线路吗? 因为约了11点10点05火车才到ST PANCRAS,所以不容有失啊!鞠千万别到EARL'S COURT转车,我法签2次,在那里40分钟以内都没有等到车,两次都是打的去的TLS,后来发现从那个站出来,走路去TLS也不远。就在High Street kensington 转公交
Tower and Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and British Museum.If you want to see more of historic palaces, you can go further field to Hampton Court or next to Hyde Park lies kensington Palace, where was the birth place of Queen Victoria and official residence of former Princess Wales, Diana.If you w
刚从伦敦回来 5个人 住的地铁站Gloucester Road附近的一家 在hostelworld定的 名字叫Astor kensington 地点不错 zone1 出了地铁口大概要走5分钟的样子 交通还算方便 sainsbury很近 买东西方便混寝 14磅每晚 可能是提前3周定的 比较便宜 环境还行
walk from the hotel.The location is ideal for Oxford Street, Marble Arch, Portabello Market, Buckingham Palace, kensington and Hyde Park, Royal Albert Hall...2. Glendale Hyde Park Hotel Situated close to 3 underground train stations the Glendale Hyde Park Hotel is on the doorstep of high class shopping including
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