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英国签证翻译问题看了英国签证翻译的要求,官方网站说明如下:1、confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document译者确认是对原始文件的正确翻译2、 the date of the translation 翻译日期3、 the translator's full name and signature 译者的全名和签名4、the translator's contact...
DS160表里关于provide the locations you plan to visitDS160表里,旅游的话,关于“provide the locations you plan to visit in the us "计划到美国的地点,如果我只在波士顿游玩,需要填写去的所有地点吗?还是意思意思写个哈弗啊公园啥的。
DS160表里关于provide the locations you plan to visit
新天鹅堡的 Marienbrücke桥在8-11月要维修关闭,是否就不能去参观新天鹅堡了?新天鹅堡的官网上提示:Closure of the MarienbrückeFrom 3 August 2015 the Marienbrücke, the bridge over the Pollät gorge, will be closed to visitors due to major renovation work. The work is expected to continue until mid-november 2015.正好我8月底去德国,新天鹅堡是必游景点啊!
新天鹅堡的 Marienbrücke桥在8-11月要维修关闭,是否就不能去参观新天鹅堡了?
关于伦敦火车票预订问题在abellio网站上订liverpool street到剑桥的火车票,advance的票子,最后订单说Reserved - no seat allocated *,The passenger is free to sit in any vacant unreserved seat for the class of travel specified on the ticket 是订这个班次都是不固定座位的?还是我在预定的时候操作失误,...
bsp;required (must be same class)I think this is because it is a short journey and off peak, There will be plenty free seats
英国签证查询签证状态得到回复如下什么意思?查询签证状态收到邮件回复如下。 I have tracked the status of (GWFxxx and DOB xx xx xx) and found that the application has been processed and it shouldbe with you in the next few days. 这是什么意思?是说通过了吗?还是说签证结果已经出来了。
Good performance motobike of Yamaha for saleGood performance motobike of Yamaha for sale 3/23we brought the motobike at honai on 3/23, and we took it from HONAI to HO CHI MINH, Now we A in HO CHI MINH and we need to sale it , it's a Yamaha and good performance, the motobike didn't bring us any trouble during the trip. if U have the same plan ...
Good performance motobike of Yamaha for sale
去瑞士申请访友签证,在上海外企德科签证办的,但是被拒绝了,各位大神帮忙看看哪里没有准备好!急!!我是三月13号递交的材料,三月18号护照到家的,拒绝信里的理由是‘your intention to leave the territory of the member states before the expiry of the visa could not be ascertained' 但是我是按材料清单准备齐全的。1申根表,2护照及复印件,3医疗保险单及复印件,4工作证明及翻译件,5工作单位...
英国签证酒店预订单是reserve的还没付款。 收到的确认邮件里有这个一句话 Important: Unless specifically stated otherwise by the local country, this reservation request does not commit the hotel to a request for assistance of any kind from the consular authorities.意思是说次预订不能用于申请签证确认.....我好蛋疼.... 然...
美国租车财产险问题。急!!在美国租车车窗被砸了。因为买了全险,现在和保险公司搞保险问题。今天收到一封邮件回复这样说的 I am so sorry for your loss when the rental car was vandalized. I do have the claim set-up but I am not sure you are were aware of the policy limits. It only covers the renter an 2 immediate family each up ...
澳洲600访客被拒了 求各位大神帮我看看这是个咋回事 (英文不好没搞太懂)You did not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994, which reads that: “The applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose for which the visa is granted, having regard to: (a)whether the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions ...
澳洲600访客被拒了 求各位大神帮我看看这是个咋回事 (英文不好没搞太懂)
旅游折扣 拼车捡人