旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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到温莎的话,先从Paddington坐地铁到Slough, 然后从那里换火车到温莎。我3月份去的时候就是这么走的
you want to save money? take the bus all the way then.take the bus to houslow west then 81 to Slough then 71 to windor. same back to to houslow then take the bus 120 then change 111 then change R68 to hampton court.you only need to buy the one day bus pass and local bus fare o
我看这个是不是不能在Paddington买?Paddington是First Western Connect去Slough再到Windsor & Eton Center的车,不是一个公司的啊。。。这个套票是Southe West Trains的,网站上说service从Waterloo过去。是不是这样啊?偶这个周末打算去,不知道哪里能买到从Paddington过去的套票,走First Capital和First Western Connect要快一些
旅游折扣 拼车捡人