伊斯坦布尔三天Museum Pass


科拉是在Museum Pass里的,好像一共有6个还是7个。我们只去了老皇宫、索菲亚和科拉,因为第一站科拉不能买通票,所以后面索性也就单买了

#暹粒# Angkor Wat travel info

Hello everyone all over the world. I am Sen, how many days should spend to see in Angkor area and What the most attractive place? You can contact my wechat ID: SenAngkorWatTravel, and exchange travel info. Thank you!

you can bring some sunscreen.ah, for the third day. you could go to Tonle Sap Lake with a one day tour in Siem Reap. or go there by taxi.wish you have a nice trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia!