
请问我要乘上午9点的飞机,从Nanba Washington Plaza Hotel Osaka (大阪难波华盛顿酒店广场)出发,乘地铁来得及吗,怎么乘最方便,请大侠们指点

http://washington.jp/nanba/pdf/access.pdfOsaka Namba Washington Hotel Plaza至Kansai International Airport - Google地图http://www.google.cn/maps/dir/%E3%80%92542-0073+Osaka+Prefecture,+Osaka+%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%8C%BA%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%A9%8B%EF%BC%91%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%93+Osaka+Namba+Washington+Hotel+


Dear Guest,we thank you to have chosen the Hotel Elite for your stay and we inform youthat the reception is open from 09 am to 04 pm, after this hours you may haveyour check-in at our Hotel Domus Florentiae in Via degli Avelli, 2 (S Plaza.Maria Novella) at 50 mt from the Hotel Elite.take your...

办入住时记得带护照。前台上午9点-下午4点才有人接待,除外时间请在距本酒店50米远的另外一家酒店办入住。酒店名:Hotel Domus Florentiae 。地址: Via degli Avelli, 2 (S Plaza.Maria Novella)