想问一下,在AVIS Jordan 上租车,保险是否要买CDW+TP,特别是额外再加上Super insurance? 谢谢谢谢谢谢
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主要看LZ是从哪个城市进入约旦?安曼国际机场可以落地签,不一定要买Jordan Pass,40JD,但是如果买了Jordan Pass并且在约旦停留3个晚上以上的,可以免去这40JD签证费。还有三个的陆路关口:南部的Aqaba可以落地签,以前这个港口是免费的,但是现在要求一定要办理Jordan Pass(我是今年4月去的,凭酒店订单、Jordan Pass直接免费落地签,非常方便)。北部的Hussein可以办理落地签(不知道是否一定要Jordan Pass)。中部的Allenby不可以办理落地签,必须提前办好签证。2.约旦落地签国内海关是承认的,放行没问题。3.持有,可以落地签,一直都没问题。Jordan pass 直接入境,还包含很多门票,很划算
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Jordan#Climate 内容:Except in the rift depression, frost is fairly common during the winter, it may take 
d 3 hours. From Amman to Jerash,go to Abudali station near downtown,half JD. It will take 1 and half hours. If somebody is interested in going to Wadi Rum for camping,visit www.Jordanjubilee.com. You can find a guide over there. He can give you jeep tour and arrange the accommodation and food. Just
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