1) the tube station, or sometimes the info centre 2) it is refundable, and the card will be taken 3) should be fine 4) T1-T3, the same station. 5) for fares, check the tfl website
半年前 来自穷游
1,应该各个航站楼都可以买到。如果不放心请咨询 http://www.tfl.gov.uk/ 页面底部 help and contact。 2,是5镑,会收到。 3,可以。 4,https://www.heathrowexpress.com/timetable-schedule/heathrow-london 5,https://www.tfl.gov.uk/fares-and-payments/fares/single-fare-finder
半年前 来自穷游
機場地鐵站有賣Oyster Card,只要是營運時間均可。見Buying Oyster Cards at Heathrow Airport:http://www.visitlondon.com/traveller-information/travel-to-london/airport/heathrow