旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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关键是这句话:“M+S轮胎符合加拿大西部道路的所有法律和安全要求(Mud & snow tires meet all legal and safety requirements on Western Canada roads)”。也就是说,不必预定雪胎(wintern tires)。而M+S 轮胎是赫兹租车的标配。可是我在BC省驾车时一再看到路旁的警示牌:“10月1日至4月30日必须使用winter tires。”同时我也确实没有看到有执法人员检查车辆的轮胎,也没听说因为没有更换winter tires而受罚的,包括我自己
In Canada’s national parks, the landing and take-off of drones or unmanned air vehicle (UAV) is prohibited. In Canada, drones are considered aircraft. Their use is governed by Transport Canada and regulated under the National Parks Aircraft Access Regulations which prohibit a
旅游折扣 拼车捡人