

CNN上今天的新闻。。。身在北欧准备下周回国的我现在很郁闷。。。Airspace was also closed over Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, and the Netherlands, and the airspace was partially closed in France, Germany, and Poland, Eurocontrol said



爱尔兰驻英使馆网站上说,持旅游签证的人必须在其国籍所在地办理爱尔兰签证。Holders of UK visit visas who wish to travel to Ireland should apply for their Irish visa in their country of permanent residence. Applications from UK visit visa holders will not be accepted in the Visa Office (London). http://www.embassyofIreland.co.uk/home/index.aspx?id=49653



ay to Friday: 2 - 0 (EST)Saturday and Sunday: 4 - 18 (EST) Germany 0180 1000496 Denmark 8088 3044 Spain 901 988502 Finland 0800 914 749 France 0820 600 093 Greece 00800 127605 Ireland 1850 930484 Iceland 800 8232 Italy 840 999 878 Japan 0066 33 133069 Monday to Friday: 2 - 0 (EST)Saturday and Sunday


好想去爱尔兰玩啊。。。可是在德国怎么申请爱尔兰的旅游签证呢?中国人是不能免签的啊。。。搜google好像又没有搜出相关信息。。有没有大虾可以帮忙解答?!谢谢! 急啊!

偶怎么一google就出来了呢自己去你所属或邻近的城市询问吧Ireland Embassy , GermanyFriedrichstrabe 200 Berlin Germany 10117 Phone:+0-220-720 Fax:+49-30-2207-2299 Website URL:www.botschaft-irland.deIreland Consulate , GermanyDenninger Straße 15 D-81679 Munich Germany Phone:+49-89-20805990Fax:+49-89-20805989Ireland Consulate , GermanyFrankenforster Strabe 77 Bergisch Germany 51427 Phone:+49-2204-609-860 Fax:+49-2204-609-861



Thanks so muchwhat a pity i could not enter to Ireland,都柏林是在爱尔兰只有英国签证不管时间多长的都不能去要签爱尔兰签证爱丁堡好像有个大使馆http://www.embassyofIreland.co.uk/home/index.aspx?id=49653这里是大使馆的网页上面说的很明白怎么申请不过当天是拿不到的好像

[求助] 爱尔兰签证可不可以去英国?


r will be able to travel to Ireland withinthe period of validity of ts 180 days but the maximum stay in Ireland will be 90 days or to the end of d that the needfor a visa to visit Ireland is not eliminated by this programn Irish visa (for direct travel to Ireland) or a UKvisa (for travel to Ireland via the UK).  What is eliminated by this programme is theneed to have both an Irish and UK visa when visiting


小声得声明一下,俺在网上查过了,也把精华贴翻了一遍,看得有点晕,所以有几个问题想求证一下,谢谢各位:第一,从Kings Cross St. Pancras坐火车去巨石阵,是不是有直达车到Salisbury,然后再转3路公交车?到巨石阵大概要多长时间呀?从salisbury有直达bath的火车,对么?第二,从Kings Cross St. Pancras是坐火...

在英国全境好像没什么railpass可以买wales, scotland, northern Ireland分别有各自的railpass不过如果你目前还在别的国家 应该是可以买interrail的pass的看这里:http://www.raileurope.co.uk/default.aspx?tabID=460不过其实个人认为不是特别划算如果不能提前买advance票的话不如研究一下那个saver return的精华 应该会有帮助另外可以考虑办个16~25 rail card 毕竟可以每张票省下1/3的钱24磅的办卡费很容易就赚回来了



ere are three possible shipping options: 1. Mail Costs: FREE. Registered: Yes. Online track & trace: No. Available for these countries: United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Greece, Poland