

er the law of Chinese government.We further certify that xxx would like to take her annual leave by joining a pleasure trip to The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland during her vacation. Upon her return, she will resume her duty on xxx in our company.Your favorable consideration to



He British Embassy29 Merrion RdBallsbridgeDublin 4Tel: 01 205 3700Fax 205 3885E.Mail: chancery.dublx@fco.gov.uk Website: www.britishembassy.gov.ukHOW TO APPLY FOR A UK VISA IN Ireland UK Border Agency and the British Embassy in Dublin work in partnership with a commercial organisation: WorldBridge S


还是必须要另外申请捷克的签证? 我再谢谢您了!

the Czech Republic. A visa with limited territorial validity (for example, valid only for one state) is not acceptable for this purpose. Visas and residency permits issued by Ireland and the United Kingdom are also not acceptable for this purpose



引用  “yumeis9413052写道:各位有没有签过爱尔兰的签证的?我本人是英国的学生签证,有申根签证,不知道还要不要签爱尔兰的签证?如果需要签证,需要不需要旅馆和机票的订单?多谢了,这个国家的英国的使馆没有网站,电话又没人接,所以麻烦各位了。 ” 居然说没有爱尔兰驻英大使馆的网站。关系这么紧密的两个发达国家,怎么可能大使馆没有网站呢?网站在这里:http://Ireland.embassyhomepage.com/用Google一查就出来了