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http://www.hiKorea.go.kr/pt/InfoDetailR_en.pt?categoryId=2&parentId=385&catSeq=401&sh for Cuba, and Macedonia) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea. Applicable to… Those with a visa or a re-entry permit for U.S., Jd (5 countries) and traveling to any one of those countries through Korea. Those traveling from any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not
bsp; 是因为行程有变 去不了 钱已付 首尔的酒店 最便宜的双人间都要5万韩币 这个酒店名字叫做Studio 41st Hostel Seoul Korea ,booking 评分 8.5分 非常好,booking标价CNY594.86元人民币=KRW 106,000 韩币,双床房送早餐。酒店地址连接http://www.booking.com/hotel/kr2012-11-15&selected_currency=hotel_currency&#available_rooms这是酒店的介绍:您可以在Studio 41st Hostel Seoul
- Contact Information- Nationality- Desired tour schedule (date & time)If you want to know about Cheongwadae and tour, visting our website(http://english.president.go.kr/tours/cwd_tours/cwd_tours.php) might helps you. Best regards, Website Management OfficerCheong Wa Dae (the Blue House)Republic of
nbsp;of the C.I.S., Eastern European countries, People's Republic of China, Taiwan, South Africa and Korea.”我们中华人民共和国就在内。 
持有美国、日本有效签证和前往第三国出境机票的中国游客可免(韩国)签证,通过入境审查后可在韩国停留15天(注意!这里的“可”表可能性,不代表明文规定。最后的结果取决于入境审查时检察官的判断)。详见:韩国旅游发展局 - Korea Tourism Organization,http://chinese.visitKorea.or.kr/chs/GK/GK_CHG_1_1_1.jsp
我也觉得机场快线A'Rex比较方便,普通列车就可以,到了终点站首尔火车站换地铁就行了。另外,可以去买Korea Pass,是一种有交通卡功能的储值卡,使用地点同信用卡,但不像T-Money那样要收卡的成本费
其实江南区没什么很特别的,就是个富人居住区加上点商业中心.我们都被gangnam style忽悠了.可以去Korea world trade center (ASEM和trade tower)那两栋大楼那转转留个影什么的,或者在那摆一个gangnam style的pose. psy的mv就是在那取的景
旅游折扣 拼车捡人