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摘录了一段描写奥克兰治安状况的Crime in Oakland began to escalate during the , and by the end of the 1970s Oakland's per capita murder rate had National Journal referred to Oakland as the "crime capital&qust decade of the 21st century Oakland has consistently been listed However the homicide rate in Oakland has dropped substantially in the 21st century,[6] compared to the late 1980s and early 1990s.[7] [8]Among
你波特蘭開車來舊金山有2條道路,你是走101公路還是走5號公路來的?如果是101公路來的,你把車停城外可以這樣玩, 在舊金山灣的北灣輪渡碼頭附近找汽車旅館,然然後每天瀟灑的坐渡輪進出舊金山.如果是開5號公路來的,你可以停車住在 Emeryville 的旅館,這裡治安相當不錯,環境也是不錯,然後每天坐BART(地鐵)進出舊金山如果預算比較寬裕,我推薦你還是在 countyard Oakland 入住, 這裡是第一選擇了.離地鐵站入口才100米,11分鐘就到舊金山了
walk to Lambart Street - Cable car $6 cash to Market St. - shopping/ go homeDAY 2:Home - City Hall - bart$3.30 to Oakland 12th - Oakland Downtown+Chinatown(午饭) - AC transit 1(东湾公交线路1号) - Berkeley: university of California, Berkeley campus - Bart$4.40
旅游折扣 拼车捡人