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好奇为啥去Coventry...还是其实你想去看warwick castle...,或者单纯从stafford过去转火车去york?stafford去Coventry有stage coach的公交车,1个小时左右的路程,价格好像是3镑左右根据本人在Coventry住三年多。。。如果去玩Coventry没啥意思
very easy.1 check whether there is direct bus from LHR2 if not check how to get to Coventry by train from London (e.g., which station) www.nationalrail.co.uk3 Then go to the train station from LHR (via taxi, H. Express, H. Connect, public buses etc)
晚上景点基本都关门了你可以查下博物馆,艺术馆等的开放时间,可能有关得相对晚的伯明翰离Coventry, Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon等都不算远,如果你周末有时间,也可以坐火车/巴士前往
旅游折扣 拼车捡人