旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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船环岛游,那没什么问题,如果是要上岛的话,这里要注意,自由女神像的底座和皇冠需要提前预订而且是另外收费,特别是皇冠特别难订。第二,中央公园很大,你可以考虑只玩一部分,另外中央公园有马车。第三,如果去归零地,你也可以考虑去下新世贸大楼One World Trade Center,刚盖起来的,还不错,3个月内就有几十万人去了。第四,去洛克菲勒中心一定要上一下The top of rock,它顶楼的观景台,纽约最好的看中央公园的地方,开放式,很漂亮。第五,你可以考虑去下联合国,中央车站和华尔道夫大饭店,也是地标。第六,白宫没办法进去,而且9月初这个日子是庆祝二战胜利,有可能有活动。第七,五角大厦需要
“you may drive using your current overseas driver licence for The length of your stay & your driver licence must be written in English or accompanied by a
have beenmade for Their travel to, reception and care in The UK. V 4.12 If The applicant is not apor guardian based in Their home country responsible for 
nbsp;If not, your documents can be collected during The designated passport collection times
旅游折扣 拼车捡人