在法国购物后退税选择当场拿现金 信用卡担保回国后一个月信用卡被扣税了。请问怎么办

8月底在法国老佛爷购买了3样东西,一共退了200多欧元,选择当场现金退税(然后用信用卡担保),但是9月底信用卡突然扣了我150多欧元,正好是我当中一样东西的税钱。我不太清楚是怎么回事,三张税单都是一起扫描过一起寄出去的,为什么只扣了当中的一张呢。想问问有没有相同经历的,怎么解决的。我有发邮件去询问蓝联,Alternatively, you can ask for an additional validation a posteriori, the procedure being called regularization. The additional validation has to be obtained within 6 months following the date of the purchase. Please find the procedure described below:1/ Confirm the import of the goods, please visit your local Customs office and present the following: purchased goods, original Tax Free Form, passport and copy of your travel documents. The service is charged (approximately 18 EUR).2/ Once you have obtained the import confirmation, you have to send the request for an additional Customs stamp and the requested documents to the French Customs:• Original Tax Free Form with the import confirmation• Copy of your passport or an official document proving that your place of residence is outside the EU• Copy of your travel documents (e.g. boarding pass, copy of flight itinerary, train ticket etc.)• Cover letter explaining the reason for not having obtained the EU Customs stamp这个答复我不是很看的明白。。。


在比利时铁路官网上看到,布鲁塞尔经布鲁日到鹿特丹的火车票,联程一共26.8,比分段便宜。票价说明是这样:“Refund Conditions: Refund before the 1st day of validity: EUR 5 fee/refund from the 1st day of validity: EUR 15 fee Digital Homeprint" tickets can only be refunded in their original point of sales ...

楼主你确定你买到这么便宜的票了吗,为神马我现在看7月份的从brussels到rotterdam的都要28EURos呢,我是从布鲁日出发想到rotterdam,忽然现从那去有点不好走,换乘太多,但是我都已经订好hostel了,我今天查的最便宜从 bruges到antwerp转,再到Nl境内一个roosenaal的地方转,一共两换,38EURos全程,这个26的太便宜了啊,哪里有啊