旅游折扣 拼车捡人
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引用 “原帖由 lyhrv 于 2010-7-9 15 发表 计划8月份去Alaska, 定了北上的邮轮,再从Anchorage坐观光火车去Fairbanks,然后从Fairbanks飞回本土。计划行程如下:8/14-21 cruise Vancouver-Whittier8/21 Train Whittier-Anchorage8/22 Tr ... ” 可以,很多人选择单程游轮+飞机的玩法,很不错的,那些看冰川,海洋动物都能在游轮上看到了,省得再花钱。Anchorage和Fairbanks都有公共交通系统,主要的景点都能通过公交系统到达。我看了下Fairbanks的路线,UAF
” It will not necessarily be cheaper since majority of the businesses will be closed, unless you only stay in Anchorage. It can be and will be very cold so you can pretty much forget about cruise and/or fishil be very inconvenient and expensive to travel without a car. It costs close to $100 for
旅游折扣 拼车捡人