
计划2016年6月中下旬赴加西-美东旅游,行程20日,具体计划如下:0616 BEIJING-VANCOUVER 入住市区酒店0617-0622 VANCOUVER:CAPILANO吊桥公园和GROUSE MOUNTAIN;当地团游VICTORIA ISLAND和BUTCHART GARDEN;Granville Island Public Market、Canada Place、Gastown;游Lynn Canyon Park;STANLEY PARK和V...

nbsp;Suspension Bridge-GrouseMountain的游览计划时间上是否宽裕?这两个景点是否都属于票价2.75加元的公交一区范围、使用FARESAVER的票就可以?6.     0618那天市区-Victoria Island-The ButchartGardens的游览计划,因路线不熟,相较于自行乘公共交通出行,报当地旅行社一日游是否更合适?当地这条路线一日游的价格大致在什么水平?烦请推荐几个当地信誉好、性价比较高的旅行社。7.     除以


ticketmaster上购买阿尔罕布拉宫的门票有7种,分别是:1、General Daytime VisitAccess to all the visitable spaces of the Monument: Alcazaba, Nasrid Palaces, Palace of Generalife and Gardens, Carlos V Palace, Public baths and the Mosque2、Tour of the Landscape and Urban EnvironmentSpecial thematic v...

ra from different perspectives.7、Blue Circular PassThis type of visit gives a chance to combine the night visit to the illuminated Nasrid Palaces and the day visit to Alcazaba, Gardens of the Palace of Generalife on two consecutive days.请问一下,这7种门票哪种能玩的更好一些?哪种更合适呢?