旅遊折扣 拼車撿人
斗膽建議, 密月應輕鬆加爛漫. 鑑於本人已去過法國的巴黎( include le harve,because I took the ferry to france ), 譜羅萬絲(avigon, arle, marsel, cannese, nice, monto calo), 大夕陽的Bordex沿運河到地中海的montepellier. According your fly ticket to Franfork, I would suggest:
1,China to Franfurd
2, Franford to Paris ( by train), stay in paris 3 to 6 days.
3, paris to avigon, by train. provence is very beatiful in June ,place like orange,some other small town. if driving a car , spent more time in provence, otherwise, take some tour arranged by tourism office. stay about 3 to 7 days. not necessary sleep in avigon, any convience town in the region.
4, avigon to monto calo by train( stop by at canne,nice etc). I would suggest no stop in marsel,the city quite dirty , not much to see in my opion, if you still go to other 地中海 city.
5, monto carlo to Italy riveria( which should be very beautyful in June), like lucaa , spent another 3 to 6 days.
6, to milan, do your shopping here ,and nearby
7, milan to Franford, by cheap airline, http://www.ryanair.com/, very cheap, you should book earlier, just print out your ticket.
if yo want to shop in paris, you can fly from frankford to milan first. end in paris to frankford.
no need to buy any railpass. In france , a to b by train, you can stop in any stops between a and b as long as in 24 hrs.
some spelling maybe not right.
汽車:FORD ESCORT 1.4 空調 RADIO 5坐(性能良好,相對舒適,推薦學生消費)
OPEL VECTRAL 16V CD 5坐(國內30W的車,寬大舒適,尾箱巨大來形容,選擇此車,價格另議) 汽車可以單獨出租,可以2輛車同時出遊,一輛車最多載4名遊客,經過和同學的實驗,任何1輛車馬力都足夠全車5個大男人上去。
相機:佳能A650 1200W像素,能全手動操作…
能幫找住房…推薦這網站 http://www.chinese.hostelworld.com/index.php. 有意向的就把具體行程告訴我,越具體越好(儘量具體到哪天,多少點到多少點),這樣我能提前準備,然後預算下價錢,然後回覆,另外,6 7也份想來這玩的,一定要提前定好房間和確定日期,每年就這2個月的旅遊旺季,不早定的話到時就麻煩多了,詳細的推薦旅遊路線,請看我MSN空間 http://zgshenge.spaces.live.com/ (附相片) TELE(法國)
1日遊全套價錢:2人:125 3人:150 4人:180