How can I get from Pucon to Puerto Natales?

我3月分下旬要去Chile和Argentina, 请问一下, 1. 怎样才能从Pucon到Puerto Natales? By bus or any other ways? 2. 另外有没有人持中国护照在纽约申请 Chile and Argentina Visa 的. 大概要多长时间? 需要什么材料?Thanks a lot!

s will take you 3-4 hours, cannot recall the exact amount of time.2. I did so in NYC. Chile needs 1-2 weeks to process your visa, for Argentina 2 days. Chile requires you provide evidence showing how you enter and leave Chile. While Argentina will scrutinize your application: you need to submit 6 mo



千里达是什么鬼。。  特多护照免签智利90天



Puerto Natales和Santiago都能找到向导,Santiago的会贵些,但是可以帮你安排一路的交通。注意向导不是保姆,你需要有一定的体力和基本户外知识。去之前家附近多锻炼。沿路有欧洲尼泊尔那样的低配山路小屋refugio,所以不一定需要支帐篷。具体准备工作可以看看下面这篇