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I just came back from South America and hope i could help.1. dont know where Pucon is. I left Torres del Paine and arrived in Puerto Natales, and then went to Punta Arenas. By bus will take you 3-4 hours, cannot recall the exact amount of time.2. I did so in NYC. Chile needs 1-2 weeks to process you
首先要走W线你时间不够,而且也没必要为了跟风为了走W而走百内。2天来回百内峰就足够了,可以一早搭大巴进公园,订好营地/露营设备或者订床位就可以了,自己带头灯和防雨的衣物即可。Puerto Natales也可以跟当地团,就是随车游览公园。我觉得百内吹得有些过于神乎其神,W甚至环线徒步,对那些上下山的挑矿工还有国内山里的农民不是小菜一碟么。W西线Grey Glacier徒步也就那样,阿拉斯加到处都有
旅游折扣 拼车捡人