

如果从陆地走必须过智利,属于阿根廷的部分反而是不与大陆相连的,我当时就是因为只有阿根廷签证而没有智利签证,所以是直接飞到Ushuaia的。当时看过一眼,记得从智利过去的话,大概是在 Punta Arenas 或者 Punta Delgada 坐渡轮过去,具体我记不清,因为自己走不了也就没仔细研究,火地岛一半属于阿根廷,一半属于智利。你没有阿根廷签证就只能去智利那半边。从阿根廷大陆这边走陆路进入火地岛上的阿根廷一侧是必须要经过智利国土的,但从智利南部进入火地岛上的智利一侧却不需要经过阿根廷领土。在Punta Arenas应该有汽车或船过去



主要有两种交通工具:船和飞机。出发地有新西兰基督城附近的莱特顿港(Lytleton Harbour)和南岛的布拉福港(Bluff Harbour)、智利的蓬塔(Punta Arenas)和阿根廷的乌斯怀亚(Ushuaia)。乌斯怀亚是阿根廷火地岛省(Tierra Del Fuego)首府,是去南极旅游最热门出发地。乌斯怀亚被称作世界的尽头(End of the World),是离ica/antarctica.phpAdventure Network International ( http://www.adventure-network.com/ ) 的南極內陸行程從智利的Punta Aren



for travel entitlement is converted at a Venice Connected Point.Transport includes the Actv lines:navigation in and to Venice, the Lido of Venice, Murano, Burano and Torcello, Punta Sabbioni; transport by road in Mestre and the Lido di Venezia up until Pellestrina. The connection to the Marco Polo

How can I get from Pucon to Puerto Natales?

我3月分下旬要去Chile和Argentina, 请问一下, 1. 怎样才能从Pucon到Puerto Natales? By bus or any other ways? 2. 另外有没有人持中国护照在纽约申请 Chile and Argentina Visa 的. 大概要多长时间? 需要什么材料?Thanks a lot!

I just came back from South America and hope i could help.1. dont know where Pucon is. I left Torres del Paine and arrived in Puerto Natales, and then went to Punta Arenas. By bus will take you 3-4 hours, cannot recall the exact amount of time.2. I did so in NYC. Chile needs 1-2 weeks to process you